Here are some easy steps from Linda Dsemone to create and sew your own chair covers. Change with the season, fun and fast.
Here are some easy steps from Linda Dsemone to create and sew your own chair covers. Change with the season, fun and fast.
What happens when a dog or cat pees on your carpet. This is a quick demonstration to show what can happen and what is affect with even a minimal amount of pee. The key is to act fast when you see something happen. If the animal urinates in an area repeatedly consider pet urine removal. It is completely safe and non toxic.
Clean pet urine out of wood floors by soaking up the urine with a dry rag and then sponging the area clean with a mixture of vinegar and water. Dry the pet urine stain thoroughly with advice from a professional cleaner in this free video on housekeeping. Expert: Rachel Yatuzis Contact: Bio: Rachel Yatuzis is a professional house cleaner in Nashville, Tenn., specializing in using everyday household items for cleaning purposes. Filmmaker: Tim Brown
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